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Mimi Saltzman Foundation WELCOMES YOU

Help For…


The Disabled

Clean Water and Sanitation Worldwide

Those in Crisis in Foreign Countries

The Arts

Anti-Stigma Discrimination

Disadvantaged High School and College Students

"The Mimi Saltzman Foundation began as a tiny seedling with my grandfather, an immigrant from Czechoslovakia. Arnold Saltzman, my father, expanded on this as his business grew. He taught the value and wisdom of giving. Joan Saltzman, my mother, was a lifelong and fierce advocate for those in need. 

With increasing numbers in peril today worldwide, and a less compassionate climate and political scene, I am pulled in many directions in order to help. After careful consideration I’ve prioritized what seems most urgent."    - Mimi Saltzman

We Support

We Support...


My daughter, Chloe, born in 1980 with profound disabilities, has given me a clear window into the unfortunate conditions visited upon people like her. There is stigma and deprivation. YAI - provides group homes and health care, cradle to grave. It is inspiring since the developmentally disabled cannot advocate for themselves.

2. Let's Get Ready

Let’s Get Ready supports highschool and college students in need of academic help and guidance. Being a board member there led me to a great idea: An internship program that pairs LGR student with prestigious, paid internships, that enables the students to quit a low paying, hard job and make money doing something they are passionate about while also getting impressive resumes. It’s a win/win situation for both students and the organizations they work for. I screen all interns, and take data on their performances. They often end up becoming dear friends.

3. Water Aid

Water Aid, a 30 year old organization, helps third world communities world wide offering clean water, sanitation and education.

4. The Arts

The Arts are never far from my heart as I am a painter and grew up around amazing art, and I support many art programs.

5. Southern Poverty Law Center

The Southern Poverty Law Organization expands social awareness and reduces hate crimes.

6. New York Dermatology Group

New York Dermatology Group finds worldwide medical care and education for neglected skin diseases.

7. God's Love We Deliver

God’s Love We Deliver is the ultimate in feeding the hungry in New York - especially those who cannot leave their homes.

April, 2020

God’s Love We Deliver acknowledgment

Your gift is much appreciated, and it comes at such a challenging time for our City. As an Essential Services Provider, God’s Love remains open. Our phones are ringing off the hook. Requests for our meal program have quadrupled over their normal rate, this past month.

Here’s how your gift is helping feed people right now: We are cooking and home-delivering an additional 1,000+ meals daily as a result of increased enrollment in our program. With the help of new staff and volunteers, we anticipate serving an additional 1,000 to 2,000 new people by June, above and beyond our normal growth rate. And, we recently distributed 140,000 emergency meals to clients in the event of service disruptions. All of these activities were unbudgeted for this fiscal year, and we are so thankful for partners like you who are helping to make our COVID-19 response possible. Thank you again. I hope you and your family are healthy and safe.

Additionally we support...

Caron Foundation

Coalition for the Homeless

Doctors Without Borders

The Doe Fund

Facing Addiction

New Museum

Palapa Society Todos Santos

Planned Parenthood


Parrish Art Museum

LongHouse Reserve


Throughline Artists

Beauty Bus Foundation



Intern Testimonials...

Ky'Naisha Severe, The New Museum

Apart from money, I gained more confidence in my abilities as a person. Even though I was very nervous, I succeeded. I am better at creating and organizing Excel spreadsheets, which was one task in which I did not have much experience. I have learned how to use the museum’s fundraising software program, Raiser’s Edge, which stores prospect and donor information.


Rupi Belgum, WaterAid

A recipe for success that I learned and will use in the future is knowing yourself and your own goals. I learned what my strengths and weaknesses were and in turn, used that knowledge to help achieve my goals.

Samiha Ahmed, Let's Get Ready

I gained experience working in a professional environment. I was able to learn how to multitask and prioritize different projects. I learned how to be more organized when handling numerous files on the computer and with paperwork. I also have more experience using Excel and Google programs.

Toni Gray Hazelwood, Children's Law Center

Ever since I was 11 years old, I wanted to become a children’s advocate.  Living in Jamaica I saw there was a vail to be uncovered, exposing how children were being mistreated. This internship revealed to me the steps I need to take to make that happen so that I will be able to protect children in the future.

I have worked alongside lawyers and second year law students who work to ensure that I receive as much exposure in the field as possible.

Intern comment:

I am so grateful for the opportunities The Mimi Saltzman Foundation has given me to build professional relationships, skills and confidence.  You have been a bridge over many walls that I did not think I could take head on. Thank you for supporting my growth and abilities as a young professional.



Dasia Rose

“No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” -James Allen

Board Members

Mimi Saltzman

Roger Haber

Daniel Brewer

Hands Holding Wooden Plate
Hands Holding Wooden Plate

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